The JNaja was given to us by Velv’Or for an honest review, the following product is made from a 3D printer. This is one of our first 3D printed sex toys, you can get the following JNaja in three different sizes: 45mm, 50mm, and 55mm. We chose to review the 50mm to be on the safe side, so the cock ring wouldn’t be too big or too small.
About Velv’Or
Velv’Or create luxury cock and ball rings the JNaja is made through 3D printing which is great that they involve new technology into the making of the JNaja. The JNaja is a cock and ball ring with a nodule which sits behind the balls at the perineum. This stimulates the space between the anus and balls to give amazing sensations and enhance your orgasms. The JNaja acts as a cock ring and keeps the penis harder when erect and prolongs the time it takes for you to cum.
How to Wear
If you are wondering on how you wear this product, Velv’Or give some basic instructions on the packaging:
Hold the JNaja with the perineum part facing towards the body. Put the Balls through the oval-shaped part of the JNaja. Then push the penis through the same part. Now firmly pull the whole package out and push the JNaja to the body.
Hold the JNaja with the perineum part facing towards the body. Put the Balls through the oval-shaped part of the JNaja. Then push the penis through the same part. Now firmly pull the whole package out and push the JNaja to the body.Velv'Or
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