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Cyborg Exploration Cock

I received the Cyborg Exploration Cock free of charge in exchange for my honest review for Meo. Meo are a German based company who specialise in making more fetish items readily available, they also have a huge range of anal products for men. I do recommend checking them out, I have previously reviewed for them and they have been awesome to work with. The fact I was given this product free of charge is not going to affect the outcome of my review.

There’s no denying this dildo looks familiar to me. As someone who owns vast amounts of fantasy cock I have seen the shaft before…  Flint! However the Flint also has a different set of balls the Cyborg Exploration Cock has a more realistic textured set of balls and a suction cup.

I have thought about buying the flint various times I am actually relieved that Meo have the Cyborg Exploration Cock because it is undeniably cheaper and still made from great quality silicone! I love BadDragon but I have literally spent hundreds in customs charges on top of the hundreds I’ve already paid for the actual dildo. So I’m glad Meo are giving people a chance to experience the design at a cheaper price.

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