Board Game, Reviews

50 Days Of Play

DSC_0035I won this game from an Ann summers party I had I was very excited to use it as it was the first sex game we tried.

The game features different colored cards from white/ cream to black. The darker the color of the card the more intense the task is. There is a dice which also features the colors to match the cards. The idea is you roll the dice and whatever color it lands on you pick an envelope/card then act out what is written on that card for the night each night for 50 nights you continue to do this until you have completed all the cards.

DSC_0039The cards for us seem pretty pointless with us only being able to do a few so that makes the game pretty much un playable the cards feature a lot of tasks which involve being out for example  go on a date and pretend you have never met before. For me these tasks seem pretty pointless with the most extreme being suspension from the ceiling which let’s face it most couples aren’t going to be prepared for is ridiculous. This is the worst game we own and we refuse to play it having once tried it’s just too boring.

Overall Rating
  • Peices
  • Instructions
  • Easy to play


I don’t recommend anyone getting this game if you are looking for a Sex game that is going to be fun go and get Tie and Tease!

RRP: £15

You can find the Fifty Days of Play Game at

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